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New blog theme showcase

Showcasing new markdown x astro blog theme.

For 2023, I redesigned my blog (based on & heavily inspired by AstroPaper theme). This post explains all the old features and a few features I developed for this blog.


Frontmatter is the main place to store some important information about the post (article). Frontmatter lies at the top of the article and is written in YAML format. Read more about frontmatter and its usage in astro documentation.

Here is the list of frontmatter property for each post.

titleTitle of the post. (h1)required*
descriptionDescription of the post. Used in post excerpt and site description of the post.default = SITE.desc
authorAuthor of the post.default =
datetimePublished datetime in ISO 8601 format.
slugSlug for the post. Usually the all lowercase title seperated in - instead of whtiespacedefault = slugified title
featuredWhether or not display this post in featured section of home pagedefault = false
projectWhether or not display this post in project sectiondefault = false
draftMark this post ‘unpublished’.default = false
categoryMain category of the post.
tagsRelated keywords for this post. Written in array yaml format.
ogImageOG image of the post. Useful for social media sharing and SEO.default = SITE.ogImage

title and slug fields in frontmatter must be specified.

Title is the title of the post and it is very important for search engine optimization (SEO).

slug is the unique identifier of the url. Thus, slug must be unique and different from other posts. The whitespace of slug needs to be separated with - or _ but - is recommended. If slug is not specified, the slugified title of the post will be used as slug.

Here is the sample frontmatter for the post.

# src/contents/
title: The title of the post
author: your name
datetime: 2023-01-14T00:00:00Z
slug: the-title-of-the-post
featured: true
project: false
draft: false
category: your-category
  - some
  - example
  - tags
ogImage: ""
description: This is the example description of the example post.

What does it look like?

Typography and markdown related content covered in Tailwind Typography

OG Image

The default OG image will be placed if a post does not specify the OG image. Though not required, OG image related to the post should be specify in the frontmatter. The recommended size for OG image is 1200 X 640 px.

Configuring Site Settings

Site configurations are available at site property of _astro.config.mjs file .

// file: src/config.ts
export const SITE = {
  website: "",
  author: "Priyanka Sachan",
  desc: "Logging down all binary adventures.",
  title: "The Log Book",
  ogImage: "site-og.jpg",
  lightAndDarkMode: true,
  postPerPage: 4,

Here are SITE configuration options

websiteYour deployed website url
authorYour name
descYour site description. Useful for SEO and social media sharing.
titleYour site name
ogImageYour default OG image for the site. Useful for social media sharing. OG image can be updated under /public directory.
lightAndDarkModeEnable or disable light & dark mode for the website. If disabled, primary color scheme will be used. This option is enabled by default.
postPerPageYou can specify how many posts will be displayed in each posts page. (eg: if you set SITE.postPerPage to 3, each page will only show 3 posts per page)

Configuring logo or title

You can specify site’s title or logo image in src/config.ts file.

// file: src/config.ts
export const LOGO_IMAGE = {
  enable: false,
  svg: true,
  width: 216,
  height: 46,

You can configure your own social links along with its icons at /src/config.ts > SOCIALS.


This is the brief specification of how you can customize this theme. Thanks for reading.✌🏻